
Gasifier and EngineTables

Gasifier and Engine Tables
Kevin Chisholm, October 11, 2006

Attached is a Spread Sheet "Gasifier and Engine Tables" that should answer a number of questions relating to diesel fuel displaced by using wood gas in a dual fueled engine, or the amount of wood required to provide sufficient gas to run a Spark Ignition (SI) engine of any size.

I put this Spread Sheet together, based on fundamental work done by Doug Williams of Fluidyne,



Engine Test With Producer Gas

Bench tests with a four-cylinder stationary engine were made with gasoline
and producer gas from charcoal as the fuels. A comparison of their performance
revf'aled that maximum power from producer gas from charcoal is about 55 per-
cent of gasoline power, and that about 11.4 pounds of charcoal is equivalent to
1 gallon of gasoline. When operating an engine on producer gas the spark should
be advanced beyond the setting for maximum power with gasoline.


Fill 'er up with wood, then go, Seattle Times article on Timm Dowden's wood pellet gasifier. October 2005

Fill 'er up with wood, then go, Seattle Times article on Timm Dowden's wood pellet gasifier. October, 2005 By Lisa Chiu (Seattle Times staff reporter)

Among the many SUVs, trucks towing watercraft and motorcycles jamming the parking lot at Ballard's Golden Gardens Park yesterday was a vehicle unlike any other.

Toyota Running On Producer Gas

Toyota Running On Producer Gas
Bruce Jackson, Abu Graib, Iraq, September 2005

" I will make a prediction. I believe that I can make a truck run down the road on producer gas cheaper and with less hassle then with Biodiesel. I predict others in my position will be able to do the same as well." BPJ Sept 19, 2005

2000 cc Toyota With Gasifier On Back Video Sep 2005: It's running On Producer Gas! (7MB)


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